THINK South Africa
Annual report 2023/24

THINK International
Annual report 2023/24

THINK South Africa
Annual report 2022/23

THINK International
Annual report 2022/23

THINK Annual Report 2021-2022

THINK has continued to deliver to the needs of people affected with TB and HIV (and COVID) in the last year. Our programmes have expanded in geographical coverage and reach. We have capacitated researchers in-house as well as professionals in the Department of Health and traditional medicine. We have supported decentralisation of MDR TB treatment in uMgungundlovu and established District TB Boards to critically analyse and react to programme data.

For the second time, THINK has contributed to reducing the duration of treatment for drug resistant TB. A six months regimen is now recommended by the WHO based on the results of our TB-Practecal trial.

THINK also acquired three mobile clinic units fitted with computer-Aided Detection (CAD) X-Ray and artificial intelligence (AI) to analyse the X-Ray images for the presence of TB. These mobile units have been serving communities, bringing health services to the people!

View our annual report for more achievements and stories from the last year: