ChiliPref SF Study Site Visit
The Hillcrest Clinical Trial Unit (HCTU) conducted a site initiation visit for the ChilPref SF study with team members from the Desmond Tutu TB Centre. The visit occurred from April 24 to 26. This particular study is one of multiple studies within the BENEFIT Kids programme funded by @Unitaid, and it focuses on identifying the most palatable formulations for crucial medicines used for the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB).
A “swish and spit” taste testing approach will be adopted in healthy volunteer children. Essentially, children will be asked to swirl the medication in their mouths and spit out the medication (without swallowing). Their taste preferences will then be captured.
During the site initiation visit, study staff were trained on various aspects of the study and regulatory documentation and requirements were reviewed. A practical demonstration of the mixing of drugs as well as tasting by the panel also occurred. The reactions from study staff was, to say the least, entertaining!
NC 009 TB ALLIANCE Clinical Trial Screening
Other exciting news from the HCTU relates to the NC 009 TB ALLIANCE clinical trial. The clinical trial unit is currently screening for this trial, and as with any clinical trial there is a stepwise process to be followed. Only participants who meet stringent inclusion and exclusion criteria can be screened and enrolled.
The clinical team successfully randomised our first participant into the trial on the afternoon of April 26. It was a significant milestone and has taken incredible effort from each person within the team.
Our second participant was randomised into the trial on April 30, and our third on May 16. Each study team member has been involved in building relationships with the network of clinics around our site and the randomisation of patients is their collective success!